September 2017 Newsletter

Welcome to our September newsletter.

We hope you have enjoyed the summer, and maybe explored yoga in different places: the garden, a campsite, festivals etc. we have a few photos to share of our students and teachers……

campsite yoga picture

boat yoga picture

boat yoga picture

campsite yoga picture



Many of the teachers have had holidays, but are back and settling down to a full timetable for the Autumn.

We have a new teacher Jez Culley joining us, offering Raja Dhiraja yoga:

Monthly classes

Our monthly classes are back again, with many wonderful classes on offer to go alongside your regular asana practice!

A beautiful evening with mantras and chants led by the soulful singer Magdalena Atkinson with her wide range of instruments. Magdalena’s practice of Shakti Dance and Kundalini Yoga is rooted in the mantric music. Her songs reflect the soul’s journey, with the empowering, transforming and healing qualities.

The Yoga Sutra classes are now monthly Saturday classes. They also work as a stand alone classes, come along if you are curious to know more!

Towards the end of the month Sian Alcock offers her

We are very happy to have back Leanne Jones with her 3 hour workshop:

Over the summer we have enjoyed wonderful Japa and Sound Vibration Workshops run by Stuart and Debbie Harvey and their next one will be on Friday 23rd September.

Reiki share finishes the month on the last Friday


Courses and workshops

The next 6 week course of Mother and Baby Yoga begins with Sharon Cox-Button, and Sue Fisher is offering another Mini First Aid:

Looking ahead to October

Jem Shackleford begins a new 8 week Mindfulness- based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Course.

On 23rd October we have an interesting Healing Sounds workshop with Devon and Cornwall teachers Dominique Preston And Kate Alpe. This is a small workshop so book early to avoid disappointment.

  • British Wheel of Yoga training day on arm balances with Zoe Knott
    See the British Wheel of Yoga for more information and bookings