March 2019 Newsletter

Acro yoga workshopWelcome to our March newsletter!

We are holding a Therapies Open Day on Saturday 30th March 10:30 – 2:30pm and would love you to come.

There will be talks, presentations, demonstrations, and free 15 minute slots with therapists you already know, and our newer therapists. There will be iridology talks, kinesiology demonstrations, mindfulness presentations, an interactive talk on genograms, sacred geometry talk, crystal therapy talk, a smoothie demonstration, bowen, counselling, massage, reflexology, women’s health, and more…

Check the Therapies Open Day on the website for more information and contact us if you are interested in making an appointment with a particular therapist.

As ever, classes, courses and workshops’ up to date details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Special Introductory offer for Bowen and Energy Healing

Our Bowen therapist Melanie Philips is also offering a special introductory offer for one day only on the 7th March:

  • 50% off a 60 minute Bowen and Energy Healing treatment

Melanie will be offering her treatments for £25.00 as an offering to any new clients who wish to sample her work. As she works mostly intuitively a treatment is not defined as one thing in particular but as a possible combination of Bowen Therapy alone or fused with some form of energy healing modality.

Systematic Kinesiology Foundation Training course begins

Jane Collison is offering the only Systematic Kinesiology Foundation Training course in Dorset accredited by the Association of Systematic Kinesiology. This course runs for 5 months incorporating 6 weekends is for those who want to:

  • Massively improve their own health
  • Help family and friends with their health
  • Go on to train to become professional Systematic Kinesiologists
  • Add muscle-testing and other kinesiology techniques to their existing therapy work
  • Have fun learning about natural health with like-minded people

There will be another course starting in the Autumn, dates will be on the website soon.

Yoga News

We have a new evening Vinyasa Yoga class with Toni Roberts on Thursdays at 7:30 – 9:00pm starting on March 7th. All our usual workshop leaders are offering wonderful events plus a new British Wheel of Yoga Tutor Tara Fraser with a yoga workshop called ‘The floor is your Friend.’

Classes, Courses and Workshops: March

Baby Reflexology Course with Rowena Gledhill (New)

Rajadhiraja Yoga with Jez Culley

Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Yoga Sutras with Sarah Ryan

Reiki One with Sakhmets Care

Reiki Two with Sakhmets Care

Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher

Qoya with Vikki Smisek

Yoga For Back Care with Katy Murrell (New)

Mindfulness Drop-In with Jem Shackleford

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra Workshop with Sharon Cox-Button

Vinyasa Flow weekly class with Toni Roberts (New)

International Womens’ Day: Deep Relaxation and Yoga Nidra with Sian Lalita Alcock

RajaDhiraja Yoga with Jez Culley

Kinesiology Foundations Training Course with Jane Collison (New)

The Floor is Your Friend Yoga Workshop with Tara Fraser

Jivamukti XL with Leanne Jones

Understanding Toddler Behaviour Course with Toddler Calm (New)

Shakti Dance with Magdalena Atkinson

Sound Space Meditation with Chrissy Foster

RajaDhiraja Yoga with Jez Culley

Gong Bath with Arianna Puran Udini

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Alignment Flow with Victoria Boast

Looking ahead to April

“Sacred Connections”: a talk by Kausthub Desikachar