September 2021 newsletter

Welcome to September. We hope you have found time to escape your normal routine, and have enjoyed some  Summer fun, either by relaxing, or being active, being social or finding a quiet space; whichever were your requirements.

My Summer read was “A Lonesome Dove” a Western novel by Larry McMurty, with wise words no matter what the season:

“It may be we’ll meet down the road” July said
“Perhaps… I see you are in a hurry to get someplace. It’s a great mistake to hurry” Mr Sedgewick said.
“Because the grave’s our destination, and those who hurry usually get to it quicker than those who take their time…”

man doing a handstand in a field

For many, September brings a settling back into routines after the excitement of Summer, although hopefully with many more beautiful days to swim in the sea, and enjoy nature in our gardens and beautiful surrounding countryside.

woman doing a yin yoga twist in studio

We welcome back some of our teachers who have had their summer breaks, and settle into our Autumn term. Marj Snape is back with Morning Meditation and a new 5 week course ‘Finding Stillness’. Nancy returns with her Gentle Yoga on Tuesday lunchtime, Sharon Morgan is offering a new class ‘Better Balance Pilates’ and a Tuesday and Wednesday morning Pilates class, and Chrissie Haskett is back with Monday and Wednesday morning Yin Yoga classes. We have a new Tai Chi class starting on Thursday evenings with Tim Button at 6:00 – 7:30pm  and of course all our regular classes and workshops.

We have a great mix of workshops to take us into the Autumn; a mixture of dynamic and slower classes depending on your preferences.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Classes, Courses and Workshops: September

Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Saturday Soundbath with Bex Leonard

6 week IAIM BABY MASSAGE Course with Sharon Cox-Button

5 week course Exploring Stillness with Marj Snape

Jivamukti XL Yoga with Leanne Jones

Yoga Sutras of Patanjli with Sarah Ryan

Saturday Soundbath with Bex Leonard

Restorative Yoga for Deep Rest with Tracey Boast

Iyengar Workshop with Cheree Low

Late Summer Yin Yoga with Chrissie Haskett

Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher

Looking ahead to October

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Yoga for Runners with Kim Jones