November 2021 Newsletter

Welcome to our November newsletter

Andromeda Galaxy Milky Way

  • If you hold your thumb at arm’s length up to the starts at night, there are 4 million galaxies that fit just under your fingernail!
  • There are more stars than all the grains of sand on earth!
  • There are more cells in our body than stars in galaxies!
  • We can still trace particles from the Big Bang!
  • Everything around us is made of star dust!

I learnt these amazing facts at the museum in Edinburgh, and marvelled at the Wonders of the Universe, aware that soon Scotland will host COP26 (26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties) to discuss the fact that mankind, instead of marvelling at, respecting and living in harmony with the world, has brought us to the point of irreversible destruction, all for the sake of chasing money.

We are lucky that so many brave, courageous souls will be descending on Glasgow to put pressure on the powerful, to let them know we need a new way, a system change. To feel part of this movement you can join in with many local actions.

On November 6th, the Global Day for Climate Justice, you can be part of the Worldwide movement to call for change.

In Weymouth many local groups will come together for speeches and to march together. Add your support to this Global day and be part of history.

  • Meet 12pm Midday Weymouth Pavilion car park for rally and speeches
  • March 1pm leaving from Weymouth pavilion

Vishnu statue

Vishnu as a young man holds the three of his four symbols – a conch shell for creation, a discus for the mind, and a club for strength. Vishnu, the preserver, is one of the three great Hindu Gods, the other two are Brahma the creator and Siva the destroyer. Together they create, look after and destroy the world in an endless cycle. As always a balance is needed; we need to find the balance before it is too late!

Savasana pose at yoga class

There are lots of nurturing workshops to choose from this month, which is just what we all need as we settle into Autumn’s shorter days and dark evenings. Slowing down, turning in, finding peace and balance.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

Two new weekly classes

Mixed Ability Yoga with Jez Culley

Mixed Ability Class with Katie Pitney


Classes, Courses and Workshops: November


6-week Baby Massage Course with Sharon Cox-Button

Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Iyengar Yoga Workshop with Cheree Low

Saturday Soundbath with Bex Leonard

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher

Restorative Yoga and Deep Rest with Tracey Boast

Rajadhiraja Yoga with Jez Culley

Saturday Candlelit Soundbath with Bex Leonard

Autumn Yin Yoga with Chrissie Haskett

Thursday Candlelit Soundbath with Bex Leonard

Kirtan/Om Shanti Interactive Concert with Magdalena Atkinson

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with Sarah Ryan

Reiki Share with Karen and Wrio

Saturday Candlelit Soundbath with Bex Leonard

Restorative Yoga for Deep Rest with Tracey Boast

Restorative Yoga and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Mind Calm for Me with Sandy Tanner

Shakti Dance with Magdalena Atkinson