September 17 newsletter
Welcome to our September newsletter. We hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed some healthy outdoor activities. Here are some of ours :
September 2017 newsletter
Welcome to our September newsletter. We hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed some healthy outdoor activities. Here are some of ours :
July 2017 newsletter
Welcome to our July newsletter. We hope that those of you who attended our International Yoga Day on the 21st June enjoyed your class. Phew that was a hot day! The centre will quieten down as we approach the summer, a time to be outdoors doing your yoga! Plenty of…
June 2017 newsletter
In this month’s newsletter I introduce the third of the 8 limbs of yoga described by Patanjali. As ever, please check out the studio calendar and classes pages on the website for more details, and June’s classes, workshops and courses are below. With best wishes from Sharon and all the yoga teachers and therapists….
May 2017 newsletter
In this month’s newsletter, I introduce the first two of the eight limbs of the yoga sutras: yama and niyama. As ever, please check out the studio calendar and classes pages on the website for more details, and May’s workshops and courses are below. We wish you happiness for the month of May, with…
April 2017 newsletter
Welcome to our April newsletter – from all us at the centre we would like to wish you a Happy Easter. Spring is a time of new growth and we are in the midst of having a new therapy room built. Apologies for any disturbances but it won’t be long…
March 2017 newsletter
Welcome to our March newsletter. It is officially Spring with all the excitement of the warm weather and spring flowers, and lighter evenings. As always we have lots of exciting workshops and courses on offer and we hear from Sarah Burt, our Naturopath as part of our monthly focus on…
February 2017 newsletter
Welcome to our February newsletter. The weather may be gloomy and cold but in the yoga world there is plenty to lift the spirits and warm the hearts. As ever, please check out the studio calendar and classes pages on the website for more details. There are workshops and monthly…
January 2017 newsletter
Wishing you a truly happy new year and hoping that 2017 brings peace, joy and health to you all. We hope to be able to offer you classes, therapies and workshops to help you achieve your New Year Resolutions!!!! Our January timetable is bigger than ever and we hope to…
December 2016 newsletter
Welcome to our December newsletter. The horse chestnut tree outside the studios is just about bare, reminding us of the passing of time. We still have a few exciting workshops in store before the yoga centre quietens down and our teachers and therapists take some time out. If you are struggling…
November 2016 newsletter
Our November newsletter is particularly special as we celebrate a successful first year at the Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre. Happy Birthday DYTC! We would like to thank everyone for supporting us and we look forward to sharing classes, therapies and events in the year ahead, starting with a fantastic…
October 2016 newsletter
Hello and Welcome to our October newsletter. It was great to see our classes so full in September. Everyone was tanned and relaxed from the lovely summer and seemed eager to be back into a routine and back to their yoga. Keep it up! As ever, keep up to date…