Click on a teacher’s name to find out more
Weekly teachers
- Sharon Cox-Button (Yoga)
- Arianna Moretti (Yoga)
- Chrissie Haskett (Yoga)
- Claire Jones (Yoga)
- Ellen Wells (Sound Healer)
- Fred Burnham (Yoga)
- Jess Obermeier (Yoga)
- Kim Jones (Yoga and Pilates)
- Kim Mackie (Yoga)
- Marj Snape (Meditation)
- Maxine Craig (Yoga and Meditation)
- Nancy Chantrell (Yoga)
- Ness Sherry Yoga)
- Nikki Oakley (Pilates)
- Saira Francis (Yoga)
- Sam Stevens (Yoga)
- Sarah Ryan (Yoga)
- Sharon Morgan (Pilates)
- Tim Button (Tai Chi /Qi Gong)
- Toni Franklin (Yoga)

Arianna Moretti
Arianna Moretti (Puran Udini Kaur) started Yoga at an early age, and went on to practise archer-poseHatha Yoga in her teens and twenties. She went to her first Kundalini class ‘because it was on at a convenient time’ in 2001 and was immediately struck by the benefits to her posture, her breathing and her emotions. She trained with Karam Kriya School, attaining Level 1 in 2008 and Level 2 in 2014. In addition she has also trained in Mastering the Addictive Personality. She loves sharing the technology of Kundalini Yoga and seeing the many benefits it brings people.
Email Arianna
Mobile: 07790 506 821

Chrissie Haskett
Chrissie qualified as a yoga teacher in 2014 with Sivananda after more than thirty years of attending classes, retreats and personal practise. In 2017 she completed a further training in Yin Yoga with Sarah Lo and has since assisted Sarah on courses. Chrissie has recently trained with Franziska Gottschlick in Myo fascial Release and Myo Yin and is very excited to integrate this new work into her classes and workshops
Chrissie trained in Shiatsu in the 1980’s and had a private practice in the Dorchester area for many years. She is also a Reiki teacher and loves passing this simple healing method on to others. Meditation and stillness are an important part of Chrissie’s daily life and form the foundation of her classes. Chrissie loves teaching Yin Yoga with its long held floor based postures which are designed to revive and invigorate the subtle energy or Chi, whilst simultaneously softening and creating space in the body. Mindful awareness of the breath, the emotions and any arising sensations in the body is encouraged throughout the class to slow down mental activity and to provide a time for quiet inward focus and stillness.
Email Chrissie
Mobile: 07341 820 716

Claire Jones
At the start of 2023, after months of thinking about it, I signed up to do my 250-hour foundation teacher training. Initially it was to further my own practice and then I realised how much I loved teaching and sharing my yoga practice.
From there I completed my Yin and Restorative teacher training, having enjoyed the benefits of both styles.
I am incredibly lucky to teach yoga in my place of work. My style is creative Vinyasa Flows with the added balance of Yin to help us learn to slow down and bring awareness to our body.
Outside of teaching yoga I love anything that gets me outside whether it’s walking, running, or swimming.
Email Claire
Mobile: 07841112686
Book here

Ellen Wells
Sound Healer, Reiki Master and Priestess of the Divine Feminine
Ellen runs Fern Sanctuary (Facilitating Elements to Reconnect with Nature) where her intention is to facilitate a safe space where people can come back to themselves to feel more connected with their own purpose and life energy (dharma).
Sound Healing is a recent remembering for Ellen. She uses the Quartz Crystal Sound Bowls to create healing vibrations that allow people to release things that no longer serve them and to come back to realignment. The crystal sound bowls create beautiful vibrations that can be more gentle than other instruments, however they can still be quite intense at times. Ellen also infuses the space with Reiki for an extra boost of good energy. There are some contraindications for receiving sound healing, please see Ellen’s website for information, or contact her to discuss any concerns.
Email Ellen

Fred Burnham
It was also in 2017 that I found a regular Yoga Practice, which I found had personal benefits, although I only dabbled at this stage with Mindful Yoga and Ashtanga Vinyasa. It was just after lockdown that I met with my teacher’s Yoga teacher, Āchārya Dr. Kausthub Desikachar and was introduced to Viniyoga. This was a pivotal moment in my life. I understood that Yoga had so much more to offer than strengthening the body and mind by making it more supple and toned. That you could have a strong body and contort yourself into unfathomable positions – to the point of injury, fatigue, and damage to one’s health but still miss the real point of Yoga and its subtler nuances that come about in our day-to-day living and derived from a personalised daily yoga practice given by an Authentic teacher. That Yoga is a multidimensional approach and a Spiritual Practice to us fulfilling our Life’s Purpose. “Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.” Bhagavad-gītā.
Last year I completed my 200-hour Teacher Training on-line with Himalaya Yoga so I could start to develop my own teaching style, I am very excited to be given this opportunity to teach at the Dorchester Yoga Centre. I have a real passion and drive to deliver this wonderful model of Health and Wellbeing to those who wish to learn and Practice, as I am continuing to do so.
I have just completed my first year, (comprising of 2 modules each year) of the 1000-hour Viniyoga Therapy course, again with Dr Kausthub Desikachar, relaying the teachings of his father TKV Desikachar and his grandfather, Yogācārya Śrī T Krishnamacharya.
I am also about to start my 100 hours Prāṇāyāma Course with Āchārya Dr Kausthub Desikachar next month.
I am gaining from the Viniyoga teachings; particularly the Pañcamaya model, I am beginning to understand how other systems within the body such as the energetic system can have a profound effect on an individual’s well-being. I have a newfound motivation to incorporate both the Ancient Eastern approach to help people empower themselves with the Modern Western Modalities of care which still have a crucial role when people become unwell.
My other hobbies and interests include playing the guitar, golfing, family walks and outings as well as the occasional drop of ale. I am a dedicated Father of 2 children, Husband, and Advanced Nurse Practitioner. I am very much looking forward to this next Step in my journey
with you all.
Mobile: 07975 832150

Jess Obermeier
In 2018 Jess completed her first teacher training with the British wheel of yoga.
Jess then went on to complete a second TT in Ashtanga with the Yoga Alliance.
Since then she has taken a 50 hour training in Rockett yoga and is about to embark on a 50 hour in somatic yoga.
Jess is passionate about feeling good in body and mind, a true believer in the power of yoga.
Email Jess
Mobile: 07875 848 680

Kim Jones
Kim has been practicing yoga for 17 years and qualified with Yoga Alliance in 2002 at Yoga Arts, Byron Bay, Australia then further training at Frog Lotus Yoga in the U.S.A. Whilst working as a post natal doula/maternity nurse and having her son Kim qualified with Birthlight in baby yoga and the British Wheel of Yoga pregnancy yoga module.Kim is also a Natal Hypnotherapy practioner offering 1-1 and group workshops. In addition to teaching pregnancy yoga here at the centre Kim will be offering restorative yoga and yoga for runners workshops.
Email Kim
Mobile: 07990 501 207
Kim’s website

Kim Mackie
Kim’s interest in physical yoga started at the age of 18 while she was still dancing professionally. She developed a serious practice of Ashtanga Vinyasa about 10 years ago when she settled here in Dorset and now in her forties, a more appropriate Prānāyāma focused practice is being explored and experienced. Kim studied with Lalit Kumar at the Himalaya Yoga Valley Centre, Goa, India (TT) and practised with Manju Jois (Primary Series TT), John Scott, Jane Piddington and Scott Johnson, regularly attending their courses and trainings. Kim has also completed a course in teaching yoga to children led by Susannah Hoffman at Triyoga, London with a view to starting her own Yoga school for children . Kim is always a student and practitioner first, so wishing to explore Yoga further, was drawn to the origins of Ashtanga as taught to Pattabhi Jois by Krishnamacharya. It was at a seminar with his grandson Dr Kausthub Desikachar, that Kim finally found her Teacher and Tradition. She is currently studying Viniyoga at the Krishnamacharya Yoga and Healing Foundation, Chennai, India with a view to completing her Yoga Therapy qualification whilst also continuing her Vedic Chanting and Patañjali Yoga Sūtra studies with Sarah Ryan (of the same tradition). Kim currently teaches Led Ashtanga Vinyasa, a dynamic Āsana sequence based on the Primary Series, synchronising Body, Breath and Mind and Yoga for Teens
Email Kim Mackie
Kim’s website
Mobile: 07990 978 949

Marj Snape
Marj has been practising Yoga for over 30 years and teaching in Dorchester and Weymouth for more than 20 years. Having completed the British Wheel of Yoga Diploma with Derek Thorne she is now a prominent member of the Vedantarama Community ( formerly YogaLiving). Marj teaches Hatha Yoga in a meditative style incorporating posture work, breathing and relaxation, and runs several meditation groups including Early Morning Meditation at DYTC . She offers, retreats, workshops , days and Spiritual Direction.
Marj’s meditation practice and teaching is rooted in the timeless wisdom of Advaita Vedanta – exploring the eternal reality and oneness at the heart of all things. Developing the capacity to turn within and explore inner stillness is of benefit to all.
Mobile: 07769 949 947
Fordington Yoga website

Maxine Craig
Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness
“Zen – a way to find contentment which doesn’t depend upon external circumstances”. This was my first lesson in zen. I have been practicing and sharing through teaching ever since.
My curiosity for yoga seems almost inevitable with meditation having been on my radar since my teenage years. In 2002 my practice began, and in 2012 I found myself embarking on the zen way of things. I undertook two teacher trainings, ‘Zen Meditation and Mindfulness’ and ‘Zen yoga’, within a breath of each other. To go deeper into the practice of zen and my understanding was the initial intention, but with that came a strong impulse to share all I was learning.
Yoga, the Zen way, approaches the body and it’s energetic system from a place of mindful awareness; physical movement and energy practices reiterate the inseparableness of body and ‘ki’, (‘qi’). Breath work, the bridge linking body and mind, enables us to experience what it means to be present, ‘ima-koko’ – the ‘now here’ state, and bring into our lives this way of being.
I look forward to seeing you. All welcome.
RYT200 Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hours / Meditation & Mindfulness Teacherwith *Zenways school & practice community. Ongoing: Junior zen teacher in training. (*accredited by Yoga Alliance & IMTA (International Mindfulness Teachers Association)
Email Maxine
Mobile: 07877554089

Nancy Chantrell
Nancy completed the British Wheel of Yoga Diploma course with Derek Thorne and has taught yoga in Weymouth and Dorchester since 2001. She first encountered Yoga when taken to a class in Edinburgh by her mother when she was 17. Hooked, she has practised over the years with a variety of teachers.
She teaches classical Hatha Yoga in the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, incorporating posture work, breath, mantra and meditation. She is happy to teach all ranges of experience and prefers to keep the practice gentle, though not without some challenge!
Email Nancy
Mobile: 07956 534 152
Landline: 01305 750174

Ness Sherry
Yoga has been Ness’s lifelong anchor. She discovered simple Hatha yoga postures as a child, and this practice has remained a constant source of support throughout her life. Throughout her career as a photographer, Ashtanga Yoga served as both physical realignment and a medium for profound life lessons, connecting her to inner strength and centeredness. Ness’s teaching focuses on the energetic aspects of yoga, blending her expertise with 18 years of energy training.Ashtanga vinyasa yoga has been her practice for over 15 years. She’s had the privilege of learning from remarkable teachers, including Louisa Sears of Yoga Arts, the remarkable BNS Iyengar in Mysore, and inspirational John Scott, with whom she completed her Ashtanga Vinyasa teacher training. She is continuing her journey under the guidance of John’s senior teacher Sandra Howlin actively pursuing her 500-hour JSY certification. Forever the student.
Email Ness
Mobile: 07956681788

Nikki Gardiner
Facebook: Grow With The Flow – Children’s Yoga with Nikki
Instagram: Grow With The Flow Kids Yoga

Nikki Oakley
She originally trained in contemporary dance at the London Contemporary Dance School, and then pursued a career in contemporary dance, whilst simultaneously studying Tai Chi, Yoga and Meditation. She went on to gain her Yoga teacher training qualification with the Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Centre in New York State.
Around this time, an injury led her to Pilates, and in 1992 she began her training in London with internationally renowned educator Alan Herdman. Since then, her passion and belief in the Pilates Method have led her to continue her training and education with many of the foremost classical pilates instructors from around the world.
Email Nikki
Mobile: 07905 976 392

Saira Francis
After starting to run retreats in Dorset, she took the step of completing her teacher training in 2013. Since then she’s been completely absorbed in running 100’s of day and weekend yoga retreats, working as a Holistic Therapist, Sound Healer and Reiki Teacher, whilst bringing up her three, now nearly fully grown children.
Saira has continued to evolve as a teacher and in her own practice by regularly attending trainings, classes and workshops with many inspiring teachers over the years, including Shiva Rae and Clara Roberts-Oss both in person and online.
Saira’s style of teaching is inspired by Vinyasa and Ashtanga which she has always loved to practice.
The Sanskrit translation for ‘vinyasa’ breaks down into ‘nyasa’ meaning “to place” and vi “in a special way”. Vinyasa Flow combines breath with movement which creates a ‘moving meditation’, this leaves you feeling rejuvenated, energised and peaceful.
Saira likes to bring in mindfulness practice, pranayama breathwork, meditation, sound healing and yoga nidra to the classes. She often encourages students to look deeper into how the ancient spiritual teachings of yoga, can help us deal with stress and overwhelm, mental health issues and how to use these teachings within our modern daily lives.
Mobile: 07809 141 815

Sam Stevens
Like many people I have dipped in and out of yoga over the years. I had always enjoyed yoga though never truly connected, but then I found DYTC and I found my teachers and that was it! The time was right for yoga to become a meaningful and necessary part of my life.
It is very hard to describe what a regular yoga practice, in all its forms, adds to how a person exists in and experiences the world. It is profound.
On my yoga journey (yes, I am using that word) I reached a place where I knew I needed to pass it on, as my teachers had to me. So a few years ago with a perfectly balanced mix of fear and excitement I began and completed 300hrs training with the British Wheel of Yoga.
I continue to regularly practice a range of different classes, alongside an ongoing study of yoga history and philosophy. I also can’t resist a workshop.
I teach vinyasa style classes. Always challenging but accessible. Centred on the fundamental principle of the ‘flow within the flow’ – Body, Breath, Focus.
My day jobs for many years as a nurseryman, plantswoman and gardener feed and fuel my yoga as does my love of herb and plant lore and the natural world.”
Email Sam
Mobile: 07484 831 090

Sarah Ryan
Sarah has been fascinated by yoga since 1970. She worked with various teachers and became a teacher trainer for the British Wheel of Yoga before discovering the teachings of Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar in the ’80s.
Since then she has studied in that tradition, principally with Paul Harvey, TKV Desikachar himself, and his son Kausthub.She also teaches Vedic chanting, which helps deepen yoga practice and complements it. She loves going deeper into yoga’s beautiful teachings, gradually understanding more. She continues to visit India regularly for different courses, and has also completed a 4-year Yoga Therapy Programme with the Krishnamacharya Yoga and Healing Foundation. As Sarah has trained not only as a yoga teacher, but also as a yoga therapist, her classes are ideal if you have specific problems, as she can help you do what is best for you.
Email Sarah
Landline: 01258 839 230

Toni Franklin
Toni has been practicing yoga for over 25 years and completed her 500-hour certificate with British Wheel of Yoga, and an additional 100-hour certificate in Yin yoga with Kashish yoga, India. Toni teaches an intuitive, organically integrative practice where body and spirit meet and move together. Drawing from a variety of Yoga traditions including Ashtanga, Vinyasa, Yin, and Restorative, her teaching focuses on heart-centered movement, breath-work, and meditation. Each class aims to encourage a positive relationship between the Self and body-temple and bring forth the inner wisdom and light that shine within each individual. As her own teachers have done for her, Toni hopes to hold space and provide support for students to trust themselves as they move through this lifelong practice.
Email Toni
Mobile: 07570 345 541