Pilates and Tai Chi

Spring 2025

New classes and Workshops in January 2025

We are really sorry that our Childrens Yoga classes are cancelled due to Nikki’s health problems. Any other Childrens yoga teachers out there please?

Holistic Pregnancy Circle : Fortnightly Fridays 10.00-11.30am with Bec Oakaiah. First class 31st January

Energy Mapping Workshop Sunday 9th February with Nicola Moss


If you need help choosing a class please email: info@dorchesteryoga.co.uk

Weekly Classes and Pilates Re-form Studio

Pilates Re-form Studio

Pilates Re-form is a fully equipped classical Pilates studio, owned by experienced Pilates instructor Nikki Oakley,

Nikki specialises in high quality personalised teaching, enabling each session to be tailor made to suit the needs of the individual, irrespective of age or fitness. She offers One-to-One, or Duet One-t -Two sessions.

Reasons for coming to Pilates Re-Form vary; some come to manage injuries, for others it’s their first time participating in any kind of exercise programme and for some who are already accomplished athletes,  it’s an opportunity for them to improve and develop further.

For more information:

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Pilates Classes

Pilates improves flexibility, builds strength and develops control and endurance in the entire body. It puts emphasis on alignment, breathing, developing a strong core, and improving coordination and balance. Pilates’ system allows for different exercises to be modified in range of difficulty from beginner to advanced. Intensity can be increased over time as the body conditions and adapts to the exercises. We have three pilates teachers, please see the teacher’s profile for more information about their teaching style.


  • Teacher: Kim Jones
  • Days:
    • Thursdays 9.30-10.30am 
  • Cost: £35 for 5 weeks
  •  Mobile: 07990 501207
  • Email: kimlinares@hotmail.com

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Tai Chi and Qi Gong

Suitable for beginners

This class will be a mix of both Qigong exercises and Tai Chi. Qi Gong exercises are old Chinese forms of exercise that concentrate on relaxation and gentle stretching, encouraging better circulation within the body and good health.

Tai Chi is a gentle form of exercise that originally began as a martial art but in this class we are focusing on the physical and mental benefits of the art. We will be practising Sun style Tai Chi, a style known for its nimble footwork and higher stances. Tai Chi can be practised by all ages. It encourages good circulation, strengthens the legs and improves your balance. It is also good mental exercise co-ordinating the whole body to move in harmony.

No experience is necessary but please contact Tim to make sure there is room in the class.

  • Teacher: Tim Button
  • Days:
    • Tuesdays 5.00-6.00pm
    • Fridays  9.00-10.00am  
  • Cost : £7 drop-in or £25.00 per month
  • Mobile: 07857 118959
  • Email: 1timbutton@gmail.com

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Tai Chi

Tai chi is an old Chinese form of exercise that promotes overall good health. It can help strengthen muscles and bones, improve balance and co-ordination, improve breathing and circulation and is a great way of tackling stress. Originally a martial art, Tai Chi is now largely taught as a health exercise although the meanings of the movements ought to be understood for the full benefit of the art.
These classes are suitable for beginners and those with experience as well. A number of different forms will be taught as the student gains in experience. Each class will begin with gentle stretching and then some different exercises to complement the form and a better understanding of Tai Chi. I hope you will feel both relaxed and energised by the end of each class as well as having a smile on your face. Everyone is welcome to come and have a try at this rewarding exercise. Please wear loose lightweight clothing.

  • Teacher:Tim Button
  • Days:
    • Thursdays 6.00-7.30pm
    • Fridays 10.30-11.45am.                                                                                      
  • Price: £8.00 per class
  • Email: 1timbutton@gmail.com
  • Mobile: 07857 118959

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