Yoga Classes

Autumn News !!

New classes

Beginners Yoga with Claire Jones – Mondays 7.30-8.45pm

Zen yoga with new teacher Maxine Craig – Mondays 9.30-1030am


If you are new to yoga and wondering which classes are suitable for beginners, it will say so in the class description. There is a lot of choice and so if you are completely confused please contact us on


Weekly Classes

( Monthly classes will be labelled accordingly)

Beginners Yoga

 These classes are suitable for beginners and those with a little experience. Classes will be a varied mix of flowing asana that link movement to the breath and still postures, with breathing practices and relaxation. Each teacher will have their own style of teaching, please read the teachers profile for more information about their class.



  • Teacher: Sharon Cox-Button
  • Time:  Wednesdays 7.45-9.00pm 
  • Cost:  £32.00 monthly (4 classes) or £10.50 drop-in
  • Mobile: 07742 821 937
  • Email Sharon


  • Teacher: Jess Obermeier
  • Time: Fridays 9.15-10.15am 
  • Cost: £9 per class or £30 for a block of 4
  • Mobile: 
  • 07875848680
  • Email:

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Breathing and Yoga Nidra

Suitable for beginners

This class begins with simple breathing practices to relax and prepare for Yoga Nidra. The Yoga Nidra practised is a simple technique adapted by Swami Satyananda Saraswati. It is a systematic method of inducing complete mental, emotional and physical relaxation which is suitable for all, with breath awareness, body scan, sankalpa and visualisation. This class is suitable for beginners.

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Breathwork is an amazing healing practice, from deeply calming and healing breath, through invigorating and energising to diving deeply into the subconscious to generate bliss or reveal and release trauma and suppressed emotions.

In November a different breathing pattern of Breathwork will be guided each week. Please see my website for full details of each class.

Classes are suitable for both beginners and those who are experienced. There are some people such as those that are pregnant or have medical conditions including cardio-vacular illnesses, epilepsy or bi-polar that some breathwork styles may not be suitable for. If you have any concerns please contact Rowan.


Chair Yoga. 

Suitable for beginners  

Experience the health benefits of yoga with the use of chair. This is a very gentle class suitable for beginners, men and women with physical limitations, e.g. difficulty sitting and kneeling on the floor; those recovering from ill health or surgery or those simply seeking a gentle class.


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Classical Yoga

Holistic Viniyoga in the tradition of T Krishnamacharya and TKV Desikachar, utilising a range of Yoga’s tools.
A deliberate, conscious and regulated practice combining, Āsana (postures), Prānāyāma (breath regulation), Mantra (chanting), Nyāsa (symbolic gestures) and Bhāvanā (visualisations/intentions).  An authentic enquiry into yoga, underpinned by the philosophy of Patañjali’s Yogasūtra and other classical yoga texts. 
  • Teacher : Kim Mackie
  • Times:
    • Mondays 6.00-7.15pm
    • Wednesdays   6.15-7.30pm Advanced Practitioner class only (not suitable for beginners) – you must have knowledge of traditional yoga texts, Sanskrit, Pranayama techniques and at least 5 years regular practice. Booking is essiential, no drop in option
    • Saturdays 9.00-10.15am
  • Cost: £9.00  drop-in or book on Kim’s website for multiple bookings at cheaper rate
  • Mobile: 07990 978949
  • Email:

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Conversations with Chris

Religions were brought, each by their own divine Messenger, from the Infinite Origin to the most limited point on the periphery where a culture, history and geography called in pain, joy and suffering for Divine Power, Love and Light to show the Way, the Word, the Light. Each religion brings its own language, words, culture and history and the Messenger spreads the Message using appropriate forms and words for the people she or he are sent to.
Behind and through each Message from each Messenger is the reality of the way humankind is structured in and as a Form, while the Messenger is an Infinite being located in but not limited by, Form. The Messenger, while outside and unlimited by Form, and sharing the same Form as the student, nevertheless can share in, see, experience and point to Form, its limitations and the opportunities all humans come here to experience so as to understand the Infinity each one of us also contains.
These Conversations are designed to allow students to look at the shared ideas at the root of all religions and of the non-religious approach to spirituality which is common today. Students will be shown how the inner energy has its own anatomy and physiology. Each student will also be shown how to map their own interiority using a shared technology and approach. Each student will be offered a path to eventually map their own spiritual life and
growth as a tool for actualising their divinely intended purpose. Mankind has not yet done the work on Earth it was sent to do. Personal enlightenment is a necessary but insufficient step for realising and actualising the illumination and enlightenment of the Earthly Kingdoms and Earth itself. Students who are interested in this work will also be offered a possible pathway involving shared interaction.

  • Teacher: Christopher Matthews
  • Times:  First Wednesday of the month
  • Time: 5.00-6.00pm 
  • Cost: donations 
  • Email:

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Gentle Yoga

Suitable for beginners

Gentle yoga is suitable for beginners, or for those who have some experience of yoga but want to go at a slower pace. The class includes gentle postures (asana), breathing practices, meditation and relaxation.


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Guided Ashtanga Yoga

Suitable for beginners

In this guided practice we will explore this beautiful sequence of postures through the lens of breath, posture and intention for a deeper understanding of our physical and energetic system. For those already familiar with the practice, you will be encouraged to deepen your awareness of it, you will be offered assists to refine your alignment and elevate your overall pose experience. Newcomers will receive guidance on modifications and accessible entry points into more challenging postures. Likewise if you are struggling with an injury you will be offered techniques to work with them. Embrace this transformative practice.

  • Teacher: Ness Sherry
  • Time: Saturdays 10.30-11.45am
  • Cost: £10 drop-in or £36 for 4 classes
  • Email:
  • Mobile: 07956681788

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Intermediate Yoga

Not suitable for beginners.

Intermediate classes are suitable for those with several years experience, and are looking to delve deeper into postures, breathing and meditative practices. The classes will include core movement principles and tools to expand your yoga beyond the mechanics of physical exercise to an enriching and complete practice. Classes will generally be a slow, absorbing way of working with attention to detail, as well as flowing movements. Eclectic in terms of drawing on different styles of yoga.

  • Teacher: Sharon Cox-Button
  • Days:
    • Tuesdays 7:30-9.00pm 
    • Fridays 10:30am – 12.00pm   FULL
  • Cost: £36 for 4 weeks or £12.00 drop -in
  • Mobile: 07742 821 937
  • Email Sharon

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Kundalini Yoga

Suitable for beginners
Kundalini Yoga is an ancient form of Yoga and is inspiring, empowering and transformative. 
Also called the Yoga of Awareness, we work on the breath (Pranayama), postures (Asana) which may be dynamic or static, Mantra (Sacred Sound) and Mudras (hand positions). Classes end with a deep relaxation followed by a meditation.
Yoga has many proven positive effects on the body both physical and subtle: helping to strengthen and balance the spine, aiding in flexibility and mobility, improving  awareness of and connection to the breath. In addition the nervous system will benefit, as well as the  immune system and general glandular health. Regular meditation helps to release old, unconscious patterns. Classes leave you feeling relaxed, energised, and joyful.
This is a general level class and is suitable for all levels; it’s friendly and everyone is welcome.

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Morning Meditation  

This early morning meditation session  will include mantra and an extended period of silence. Marj’s personal meditation practice is Self Enquiry in the Advaita Vedanta tradition and  ideally this will appeal to those with some experience of meditation ( in other traditions), but beginners are welcome. Practising together at this time of the day will bring benefits of peace and clarity for the day ahead.

Evening Meditation

This evening class is grounded in the Buddhist wisdom and techniques of Theravada and Mahayana tradition which is what Claire studied in Northern India and Nepal under the guidance of several Buddhist masters. The class provides practical tools and guidance for both new and seasoned practitioners to deepen their understanding and experience of meditation. The most important thing to do in any meditation is to breathe and concentrate on the breath, so the main focus of  Claire’s class is developing the awareness of the breath. This helps to increase a sense of inner wellbeing that allows us all to embrace whatever the present moment offers.

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Men’s Yoga

Suitable for all shapes and sizes – ages 18 and over. 

This will be a Haṭha Yoga based practice incorporating many of the tools of Viniyoga such as
Āsana (Postures), Prānāyāma (Conscious regulated breathing), Mantra, Nyāsa (Gestures), Mudrā-
s (Seals), Visualisation and meditation techniques to develop fortitude of the mind, body, and spirit.
Added benefits students will experience also include improved energy levels and the development
of enhanced focus, awareness, and resilience.
The Practice will take place in a class setting, as a group – on a personal mat (with the aid of props
and cushions, blocks etc. if required or encouraged by your teacher).
The Practice will use a variety of postures in the Standing, seated and lying position therefore
individuals will need to be able to get up from the floor!
Props and mats will be available for students if they do not possess their own, to modify postures
and make it appropriate for their ability.

  • Teacher: Fred Burnham
  • Wednesdays 4.45-6.00pm 
  • Cost £8 per session drop in. (There will be discounted multi-buy sessions available on the website)
  • NHS discount £7 with proof of ID/ Smart card etc.
  • – look for the Men’s Yoga option.

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Mixed Ability Yoga

Suitable for beginners

This is a general class suitable for women/men who are both new to yoga or have some previous experience. The classes are friendly and relaxed and adaptions are made to suit individual needs. The classes will include asana (postures),  to bring about  stretch, openess and release in the body. Pranayama (breathing),  relaxation and meditative postures are also practised as part of the holistic approach.

  • Teacher: Sharon Cox-Button
  • Days:
    •  Tuesdays 1:30 – 2:45pm       
    •  Wednesdays 6:15 – 7:30pm
    •  Fridays 12.30-1.45pm 
  • Cost: £32.00 monthly (4 classes) or £10.50 drop-in
  • Mobile: 07742 821 937
  • Email Sharon


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Post-Natal Mother and Baby Yoga Class

Have you recently had a baby and looking for a warm and friendly environment and would like to meet other mums? This class also includes:
  •  Education on diastasis recti and how to check for.
  • We incorporate appropriate Pilates and yoga exercises and practices to support your core and pelvic floor and heal the postnatal body.
  • Babies are most welcome and you feed and cuddle your baby as much as you need to. 4 week course This class is suitable from 6 weeks post vaginal birth and 8 weeks after a caesarean delivery.
  • A chance to meet other mums and babies.
  • A health screening form is required to be filled in prior to attendance

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Pregnancy Yoga

Improve your general well-being with yoga adapted for the pregnant body. Incorporating strengthening, dynamic, restorative and relaxing postures.

Yoga can alleviate many of the ailments which may occur in pregnancy, and it can also prepare you for a positive birth experience with active birth, breathing and relaxation techniques.

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Teen Yoga

Classes include postures, breathing exercises, meditation and understanding of how yoga helps the body, mind and heart. A friendly, safe space to explore, connect and feel. No devices, no exams, no judgement.

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Vedic Chanting Monthly

Vedic chanting is a wonderful thing to do, and complements yoga practice beautifully: it helps to deepen our experience. The Veda-s are the amazing ancient teachings of India, in which you can see the beginnings of yoga. They are in Sanskrit, the language of yoga and of mantra, and go back thousands of years. (Passed on orally for a very long time, they were only written down about three thousand years ago). Chanting them helps with self-expression, and gives us joy…. and you don’t have to be able to sing! There are only 3 notes!
I have been fortunate enough to be learning this practice for over 30 years, and still have lessons with my teacher.
If you decide to continue, you will need to buy the book that has the chants we shall be using, but you wont need this to begin with.
Sarah  teaches the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali from 10.30-11.45am before this class, and the two are wonderful together as both are written in the ancient text of Sanskrit and complement each other.  Both are also the beginnings to our modern yoga practice. This class is a donations based class and all proceeds will go to the charity:
Practical Action 
Your gift will support people around the world in tackling their toughest challenges. Adapting to and withstanding the worst affects of climate change. Harnessing the transformational power of clean energy. Improving sanitation and living conditions in overcrowded cities. Recovering from the long term impact of the pandemic. 
  • Teacher: Sarah Ryan
  • Day: Saturdays 12.00-1.00pm 
    • 7th September
    • 5th October
    • 23rd November
    • 14th December
  • Cost: Donations,  see above
  • Landline: 01258 839230
  • Email Sarah

Vinyasa Flow

Classes are mixed ability. Vinyasa Flow is an energetic practice that is fun and challenging at times, every class is different and there is  the opportunity to go deeper if students wish, or move through the practice gently and softly if needed. As with all styles of yoga, there are often 3-4 different variations of a pose, everyone can enjoy one and possibly move onto deeper versions as experience is gained. 

Classes can be suitable for beginners, and those with more experience but might be too much for anyone who has a physical condition that restricts mobility as classes can be fast paced at times.


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Yin Yoga – A Point of Stillness 

Suitable for beginners

Yin yoga is a slow-paced style of yoga with postures, or asanas, that are held for longer periods of time. Enjoy long held floor based postures to revive and invigorate your energy, combined with mindful awareness of body and breath.

  • Teacher: Chrissie Haskett. NO CLASSES OVER AUGUST
  • Days:
    • Mondays 11.15-12.45pm 
    • Wednesdays 10.30-12.00pm 
  • Cost: £9 a session, or £40.00 for a course of five
  • Mobile: 07341 820 716
  • Email:

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Yin Yoga (Monthly Class)

Monthly Yin Yoga class, suitable for beginners and more experienced practitioners alike.
Yin Yoga is for you if you ~
 Would like to slow down and relax.
 Are recovering from illness and are looking for a gentle practice to restore health
 Are suffering from stress, depression, anxiety, the menopause or hormonal imbalance, insomnia or any chronic illness (fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma, diabetes, lupus etc)
 Want a meditative practice that will help you gain greater understanding of your mind & emotions and how they relate to your body
 Want to maintain or restore your range of motion
 Find it difficult to switch off the chatter of your mind
 Need a balance to a busy life, a chance to rest & listen to your deeper self
Want to build your relaxation skills
Yin yoga is a slow-paced, passive type of yoga that incorporates long holds and deep breaths for a stretch that gets into the connective tissues and joints.  Designed to prepare the body for comfort in seated meditation, Yin yoga is the perfect complement to more vigorous Yang-based practices like Vinyasa, Ashtanga and Power Yoga.
These classes offer a space for serenity in stillness, an opportunity to experience a surrending sensory awakening that melts away residual stress, and allows for release of repressed or stored emotions, leaving the yogi feeling lighter, clearer and completely relaxed.


  • Teacher: Toni Franklin
  • Days: Last Friday of the month
  • Time: 6.00-7.30pm
  • Cost: £10.00
  • Mobile: 07570 345541
  • Email:

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Yoga Therapy Class

Suitable for beginners. 

This class is comprised of mainly students with Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis. To help with  the physical symptoms of Parkinson’s and Multiple Sclerosis, and supporting the emotional challenges that come with it, using breath work, asana ( physical postures), relaxation and meditation. The classes are tailored to meet the specific needs of both diseases by improving mobility, balance, strength and well-being and giving tools to help with stress levels and anxiety.  It may also be suitable for other conditions with similar physical deterioration or recovering from illnesses or operations. The supportive class tailored to individual needs.

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Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, probably composed around 2,000 years ago, are universally recognised as the classic teaching and ultimate authority on yoga. Amazingly, they are still completely relevant to our life and times.

They consist of 195 short aphorisms, because they were designed to be learned by heart. They therefore have to be explained and discussed with a teacher who has learned them with a teacher. Sarah Ryan has been studying the sutras for many years and has a wealth of information.

Each session is a mix of teaching, discussion and practice, with one or two sutras studied in depth each week. It is not only very suitable for yoga teachers who can use it as In-Service Training, but also for any student who wants to know more about yoga.

The ideas behind yoga practice are fascinating and extremely useful, helping us to better understand ourselves and our life. Do come and join us. These monthly meetings work as stand-alone sessions – you don’t have to have attend each month.
  • Teacher: Sarah Ryan
  • Time: 10:30-11.45am
  • Day: Saturdays monthly 
    • 7th September
    • 5th October
    • 23rd November
    • 14th December
  • Cost: £12.00  per class
  • Landline: 01258 839230
  • Email Sarah

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Zen Yoga

Suitable for beginners
Yoga, the Zen way, approaches the body and it’s energetic system from a place of mindful awareness; physical movement and energy practices reiterate the inseparableness of body and ‘ki’, (‘qi’). Breath work, the bridge linking body and mind, enables us to experience what it means to be present, ‘ima-koko’ – the ‘now here’ state, and bring into our lives this way of being. All welcome.
  • Teacher: Maxine Craig
  • Time: 9.30-10.30am
  • Day: Mondays
  • Cost: £8 
  • Email:
  • Mobile: 07877554089

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