April 23 newsletter

Yoga Therapy class photo of pupils in Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

For the past 10 days the yoga centre has been full of the sounds of Vedic chanting as myself and two fellow teachers Kim Mackie and Arianna Moretti have been immersed in the first seminar of a 3 year Viniyoga therapy training taught by Dr Kausthubha Desikachar and chant teacher Sarah Ryan (who teaches our monthly class of Yoga Sutras of Patanjali).

In many traditional cultures the use of sound is a significant aspect of spiritual practice. In Indian tradition sound is exalted second only to the Supreme.

The term “Veda” implies “that which can be known”, it is a vast collection of hymns, the authoritative source of many significant schools of Indian wisdom and philosophy, they expound upon the practical ways of meeting human needs while living meaningfully, and lead to personal and spiritual transformation.

There are several benefits of reciting the vedas. The mantras within them are powerful sounds which when produced in the right manner and with the right intention produce specific vibrations in our body. These vibrations have the ability to positively influence our physiological state, thereby improving physical, mental and emotional health. They also bring the mind to complete attention, making it a meditative process in itself.

It is an intense training including all the wide range of yogic tools: postures (Asana), breath regulation (Pranayama), meditation (Dhyana), dietary recommendations (Ahara niyama), lifestyle suggestions (Vihara niyama), chanting (Mantra) visualisations/affirmations (Bhavana), energetic seals (Mudra) symbolic gestures (Nyasa), and self enquiry (Svadhyaya). By undergoing this intense journey teachers may then facilitate others in the journey towards self-empowerment, healing and personal transformation.

For this training we have been joined by students from the USA, Israel, Spain and Germany; a wonderful International community chanting and learning together.

There is still a chance to join this Yoga Therapy course if you are interested, you can contact Sarah Ryan email: saryan6630@googlemail.com

The clocks have changed, Spring has Sprung, we have it all to look forward to.

We wish you a Happy Easter and remind you to check the calendar to see when your teachers are taking an Easter break.

As ever, the details are below and in the calendar – please check it!

With best wishes from Sharon and all the teachers and therapists at Dorchester Yoga and Therapy Centre

New Classes and Courses


Mixed Ability Yoga Class with Katie Pitney (suitable for beginners)

  • Friday mornings 9.00-10.15am.
  • More about Mixed Ability Class with Katie Pitney

The first class will be the 21st April and you can email Katie on bodyofgrace108@gmail.com if you want any more information or to book a place.

5 week Post natal Yoga Course with Kim Jones

6 week IAIM Baby Massage Course with Sharon Cox-Button

Classes, Courses and Workshops: April

Restorative Yoga for Deep Rest with Tracey Boast

Saturday Soundbath with Bex Leonard

Postnatal Wellness course begins

IAIM Baby Massage course begins

Breathing and Yoga Nidra with Sharon Cox-Button

Drum and Chant with Magdalena Atkinson

Iyengar Yoga with Cheree Low

Mini First Aid with Sue Fisher

Gong Bath: Overcoming Your Stress with Arianna Puran Udini

Yoga Sutras with Sarah Ryan

Looking ahead to May

Women’s Retreat

  • Mindfulness, Qoya and Journalling with Victoria Smisek

“You are the gardener of your mind,
and you are sowing seeds every moment of every day
with the thoughts you think and the actions you take.
The seeds you plant today will determine tomorrow’s harvest.
Choose mindfully.”

~ Unknown ~